IBM DB2 12 Programming

Seminar / Training IBM Programming

IBM DB2 Relational Databases - Database Design - Normalization - TABLE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, Referential Integrity - VIEW

IBM DB2 SQL Commands Database Queries - SELECT - GROUP BY, Column Functions - Join Operations - Subqueries - UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT - Scalar Functions - Date and Time Specifications - INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE

IBM DB2 SQL commands Program control - Host variable - Indicator variable - Error handling and SQLCODE - Program development: DCLGEN, PRECOMPILE, COMPILE, LINK, BIND, RUN - CURSOR FOR READ ONLY - CURSOR FOR UPDATE - ROWSET processing

IBM DB2 SQL Commands Performance and Application Design - INDEX and Index Space, TABLESPACE, DATABASE - The Optimizer - Access Path and INDEX - EXPLAIN Command

IBM DB2 SQL commands Transaction processing - COMMIT and ROLLBACK - Concurrency and the lost update - The isolation level RR, RS, CS, UR - LOCK TABLE - CURSOR


Windows or Linux

This seminar has the level "Programming / Basic to Advanced".

If you are not sure if this course is the right level for you, you can discuss this with the trainer in advance.

We conduct this seminar online for you. You can book the training as a public seminar or as a company seminar. The practical exercises are carried out in our Remotelab and make up 40-50 percent of the seminar.

Your contacts

We offer seminars with a high practical relevance. The contents and exercises are geared to your daily tasks in the company and completely dispense with advertising references to other products of the software manufacturer.

All our training courses are manufacturer-independent. This enables us to offer critical considerations of the products themselves and comparisons with competitors of the manufacturer in the seminar. The course contents are our own and derived from the practical experience of our trainers in projects.

Of course, the contents of company seminars can be individually adapted to your needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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