Seminar / Training RFID

Basics of RFID - RFID systems - Comparison of different ID systems - Components of RFID systemsTypes of
RFID systems - Types of transponders - Frequency, range and coupling - Active and passive transponders - Information processing in the transponder
Selection criteria for RFID systems - Operating frequency - Range - Security requirements - Storage capacity
Basicoperation of RFID - 1-bit transponder - Full and half duplex methods - Inductive coupling - Electromagnetic backscatter coupling - Close coupling - Data transmission Reader > Transponders - Electrical coupling - Sequential methods
Frequency ranges and radio licensing rules of RFID - Frequency ranges - International Telecommunication Union (ITU) - European licensing rules - National licensing rules in Europe - Comparison of national rules
Coding and modulation of RFID - Baseband coding - Digital methods
Data integrity with RFID - Checksum methods - Multiple access methods - Anti-collisionSecurity of RFID systems - Attacks on RFIDAttacks on the transponder - Attacks via the RF interface - Defence by cryptographic measures - Mutual symmetric authentication - Authentication with derived keys - Encrypted data transmission
Architecture of electronic data carriers in RFID - Transponder with memory function - Microprocessors - Memory technology
Readers for RFID - Data flow in an application - Components of a reader - Low-cost construction - Reader IC U2270B - 11.4 Connecting antennas for inductively coupled systems - Reader designs
Application examples for RFID - Contactless smart cards - Public transport - Electronic passport - Ski ticketing - Access control - Traffic systems - Animal identification - Electronic immobiliser - Container identification - Sporting events - Industrial automation



This seminar has the level "Administration / Basic andstructure".

If you are not sure whether this course is the right level for you, you can check this with the trainer in advance.

We conduct this seminar online for you. You can book the training as a public seminar or as a company seminar. The practical exercises are carried out in our Remotelab and make up 40-50 percent of the seminar.

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We offer seminars with a high practical relevance. The contents and exercises are geared to your daily tasks in the company and completely dispense with advertising references to other products of the software manufacturer.

All our training courses are manufacturer-independent. This enables us to offer critical considerations of the products themselves and comparisons with competitors of the manufacturer in the seminar. The course contents are our own and derived from the practical experience of our trainers in projects.

Of course, the contents of company seminars can be individually adapted to your needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Duration 3 Days, approx. 6h/Day
1. Day: 10:00 Clock, more from 09:00 Clock
Price ₦ 707.766,00 plus VAT.
Seminar documents Original documentation of the manufacturer on data carrier / download / weblink
Certificate of attendance yes, of course
Barrier free access Available at most locations
Catering Cold / hot drinks, lunch (optional vegetarian) - not for company and online seminars
Support 3 calls included in the seminar price
Methods Lecture, demonstration, practical exercises on the system
Seminar types With trainer on site: Public or in-house - Alternatively orderable as webinar
Implementation guarantee yes, from 2 participants, max. 8 participants, Details

Choose a free date for Aba

Duration 3 Days, approx. 6h/Tag
1. Day: 10:00 Clock, more from 09:00 Clock
Price ₦ 1.957.650,00 plus VAT.
Seminar documents Original documentation of the manufacturer on data carrier / download / weblink
Certificate of attendance yes, of course
Barrier free access Available at most locations
Catering Cold / hot drinks, lunch (optional vegetarian) - not for company and online seminars
Support 3 calls included in the seminar price
Methods Lecture, demonstration, practical exercises on the system
Seminar types With trainer on site: Public or in-house - Alternatively orderable as webinar
Implementation guarantee yes, from 2 participants, max. 8 participants, Details

Enter your preferred date for Aba

Duration 3 Days, approx. 6h/Tag
1. Day: 10:00 Clock, more from 09:00 Clock
Price ₦ 707.766,00 plus VAT.
Seminar documents Original documentation of the manufacturer on data carrier / download / weblink
Certificate of attendance yes, of course
Barrier free access Available at most locations
Catering Cold / hot drinks, lunch (optional vegetarian) - not for company and online seminars
Support 3 calls included in the seminar price
Methods Lecture, demonstration, practical exercises on the system
Seminar types With trainer on site: Public or in-house - Alternatively orderable as webinar
Implementation guarantee yes, from 2 participants, max. 8 participants, Details

Please select a free date