SLES SUSE Linux Enterprise Update

Seminar / Training SLES SUSE Linux Enterprise Update

Upgrades / Updates - Migration from older versions

Linux containers with Docker in SLES - Linux container basics - Virtualization with Docker - Setup, configuration and administration - Image creation with sle2docker - Managing Docker images and containers - cgroups and containers

Systemd - SystemV vs. Systemd - Overview of Systemd - Service Management with systemctl - Slices, Services, Targets and more Units - Unit-Dependencies - Systemd and cgroups - ProcessLimits, CPUAffinities and more - Log Evaluation with journalctl - Troubleshooting - Debugging

Local High Availability with LV-Raid, BTRFS and Snapper - Redundant LVM-Raids - New features of the BTRFS file system - Raid levels and online resizing - Subvolumes and snapshots - qgroups and snapshot sizes - Efficient snapshot management with Snapper - Fully automated snapshots with snapper-zypp-plugin - Complete system rollbacks

Scale-out clusters (overview) - Distributed Storage Cluster / SES (SUSE Enterprise Storage) with Ceph

Network configuration and NTP - The new network configuration interface "wicked" - Precision Time Protocol v2 - NTP setup in real and virtual environments

Performance and Storage Tiering - Tuned - perf - Tech-Preview: Storage Tiering with LVM/dm_cache

New features in the High Availability stack - Corosync - Pacemaker with Pacemaker_remote - New features in the CRM shell - PCS vs CRM shell - GFS2 support

Active Directory connectivity and Samba/ADS components: LDAP, Kerberos, DNS and more - direct use of Windows (ADS/Samba) users on Linux via SSSD

This seminar has the level "Administration / Basic andstructure".

If you are not sure whether this course is the right level for you, you can check this with the trainer in advance.


NIOS Configuration

We conduct this seminar online for you. You can book the training as a public seminar or as a company seminar. The practical exercises are carried out in our Remotelab and make up 40-50 percent of the seminar.

Your contacts

We offer seminars with a high practical relevance. The contents and exercises are geared to your daily tasks in the company and completely dispense with advertising references to other products of the software manufacturer.

All our training courses are manufacturer-independent. This enables us to offer critical considerations of the products themselves and comparisons with competitors of the manufacturer in the seminar. The course contents are our own and derived from the practical experience of our trainers in projects.

Of course, the contents of company seminars can be individually adapted to your needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
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