Talend Open Studio

Seminar / Training Talend Open Studio (Data Integration)

  • Talend Open Studio Overview
  • GUI and settings
  • Business Process Modeling
  • ETL job creation
  • Job structuring and parallelization
  • Metadata-driven job design
  • ETL job management
  • Administration and maintainability


Knowledge of Java programming and SQL is helpful.

This seminar has the level "Administration / Basic".

If you are not sure whether this course is the right level for you, you can check this with the trainer in advance.

We conduct this seminar online for you. You can book the training as a public seminar or as a company seminar. The practical exercises are carried out in our Remotelab and make up 40-50 percent of the seminar.

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Prestations de service

Nous vous proposons des séminaires très pertinents sur le plan pratique. Le contenu et les exercices sont axés sur vos tâches quotidiennes dans l'entreprise et évitent totalement les références publicitaires à d'autres produits du fabricant de logiciels.

Toutes les formations que nous proposons sont indépendantes du fabricant. Cela nous permet d'offrir des observations critiques sur les produits eux-mêmes et des comparaisons avec les concurrents du fabricant dans le séminaire. Le contenu des cours nous est propre et découle de l'expérience pratique de nos formateurs dans le cadre de projets.

Bien entendu, le contenu des séminaires d'entreprise peut être adapté à vos besoins. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter.


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Duration 2 Days, approx. 6h/Day
1. Day: 10:00 Clock, more from 09:00 Clock
Price ₦ 471.844,00 plus VAT.
Seminar documents Original documentation of the manufacturer on data carrier / download / weblink
Certificate of attendance yes, of course
Barrier free access Available at most locations
Catering Cold / hot drinks, lunch (optional vegetarian) - not for company and online seminars
Support 3 calls included in the seminar price
Methods Lecture, demonstration, practical exercises on the system
Seminar types With trainer on site: Public or in-house - Alternatively orderable as webinar
Implementation guarantee yes, from 2 participants, max. 8 participants, Details

Choose a free date for Aba

Duration 2 Days, approx. 6h/Tag
1. Day: 10:00 Clock, more from 09:00 Clock
Price ₦ 1.305.100,00 plus VAT.
Seminar documents Original documentation of the manufacturer on data carrier / download / weblink
Certificate of attendance yes, of course
Barrier free access Available at most locations
Catering Cold / hot drinks, lunch (optional vegetarian) - not for company and online seminars
Support 3 calls included in the seminar price
Methods Lecture, demonstration, practical exercises on the system
Seminar types With trainer on site: Public or in-house - Alternatively orderable as webinar
Implementation guarantee yes, from 2 participants, max. 8 participants, Details

Enter your preferred date for Aba

Duration 2 Days, approx. 6h/Tag
1. Day: 10:00 Clock, more from 09:00 Clock
Price ₦ 471.844,00 plus VAT.
Seminar documents Original documentation of the manufacturer on data carrier / download / weblink
Certificate of attendance yes, of course
Barrier free access Available at most locations
Catering Cold / hot drinks, lunch (optional vegetarian) - not for company and online seminars
Support 3 calls included in the seminar price
Methods Lecture, demonstration, practical exercises on the system
Seminar types With trainer on site: Public or in-house - Alternatively orderable as webinar
Implementation guarantee yes, from 2 participants, max. 8 participants, Details

Please select a free date