InfoScale Storage Linux Administration

Seminar / Training InfoScale Storage Linux Administration

Cluster Server Basics / High Availability Concepts

High Availability Concepts - Clustering Concepts - High Availability Application Services - Clustering Requirements

VCS Building Blocks

VCS Terminology - Cluster Communication - VCS Architecture - VCS Operations - Common VCS Tools and Operations - Service Group Operations - Resource Operations

VCS configuration methods

Starting and stopping VCS - Overview configuration methods - Online configuration - Controlling access to VCS

Preparing services for VCS

Preparing applications for VCS - One-time configuration tasks - Testing application services - Stopping and migrating an application service - Collecting configuration information

Online configuration

Online service group configuration - Adding resources - Solving common configuration errors - Testing the service group

Offline configuration

Offline configuration examples - Offline configuration procedures - Solving offline configuration problems - Testing the service group

Configuring notifications

Notification overview - Configuring notifications - Triggers overview

Cluster Server Accesses

Dealing with resource errors

VCS response to resource failures - Determining failure duration - Controlling failure behavior - Recovering resources - Error reporting and event handling

Intelligent Monitoring Framework

IWF Overview - IWF Configuration - Intelligent Monitoring Faults and Failover

Cluster Communication

VCS Communication Report Cluster Interconnect Configuration - Joining the Cluster - Changing the Interconnect Configuration

Cluster Server Applications

Using I/O Fencing for Application Data Integrity - Privacy Policy - Fencing Configuration

Clustering Applications

Application Performance Overview - VCS Agents for Application Management - IMF and Parallelism Violation Prevention

Database Clustering

VCS Database Agents - Database Preparation - Database Agent for Oracle - Database Failover Behavior - Additional Oracle Agent Features

Global Clustering

Global cluster architecture and concepts - Global cluster components - VCS global cluster management - Intercluster communication failures

Configuring a Global Cluster

Linking clusters - Configuring global cluster clocks - Configuring a global service group - Dynamic IP addresses

Managing a Global Cluster

Managing clusters in a global cluster environment - Managing global cluster clocks - Global service groups - Using VIOM for disaster recovery

Notification and failover behavior in a global cluster

Notifications in a global cluster - Failover behavior of a global service group - Cluster state transitions - Simulating global clusters with the VCS simulator


Linux knowledge

This seminar has the level "Administration / Basic and Advanced".

If you are not sure whether this course is the right level for you, you can check this with the trainer in advance.

We conduct this seminar online for you. You can book the training as a public seminar or as a company seminar. The practical exercises are carried out in our Remotelab and make up 40-50 percent of the seminar.

Your contacts

We offer seminars with a high practical relevance. The contents and exercises are geared to your daily tasks in the company and completely dispense with advertising references to other products of the software manufacturer.

All our training courses are manufacturer-independent. This enables us to offer critical considerations of the products themselves and comparisons with competitors of the manufacturer in the seminar. The course contents are our own and derived from the practical experience of our trainers in projects.

Of course, the contents of company seminars can be individually adapted to your needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
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